Can You Renew a Patent? The Fundamentals of Patent Renewal

January 13, 2023
# min read

Patents are a valuable asset for any business, providing protection and exclusive rights to inventions. This protection and exclusivity do not last forever, as patents expire to make room for more innovation. If you are a patent holder, you might be asking: can you renew a patent?

The answer is yes, but is important to understand the process involved so that your renewal goes smoothly and successfully. In this article, we will understand why patents expire, how and when one should go about renewing them, as well as common mistakes in patent renewals. Let’s answer together: can you renew a patent?

Table of Contents

Why Do Patents Expire?

Can You Renew a Patent?

Requirements for Renewal

Steps to Renewing a Patent

Patent Renewal Fees

When to Renew a Patent

Timeframe for Renewal

Reasons for Early or Late Renewal

Who Can Help with the Process?

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing a Patent

Failing to File on Time

Not Keeping Track of Deadlines

Not Having Complete Documents

What Happens if I Fail to Renew My Patent on Time?


Why Do Patents Expire?

Patents are a form of intellectual property that grants the patent holder exclusive rights to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period. Patents are typically granted by governments and provide inventors with protection from competitors who may try to copy their inventions.

However, patents do not last forever; they eventually expire after a set amount of time.

So why do patents expire? The main reason is that the government wants to encourage innovation and competition in the marketplace. By allowing patents to expire after a certain amount of time, new inventors can create products based on existing ideas without having to worry about infringing on someone else’s patent rights.

This encourages more people to innovate and develop new products which helps drive economic growth. The length of time that a patent lasts varies depending on where it was issued as well as other factors such as whether or not it has been renewed or extended before its expiration date.

In the United States, most utility patents have an initial term of 20 years from when they were filed. Design patents have an initial term of 14 years from when they were granted.

After this initial term has expired, the patent will no longer be valid. Can you renew a patent? Yes, you can renew or extend it by filing additional paperwork with the US Patent Office before its expiration date.

Can You Renew a Patent?

Renewing a patent is an important step in protecting intellectual property. It is essential to understand the requirements, steps, and costs associated with renewing a patent before beginning the process.

Requirements for Renewal

To renew a patent, the patent must have been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The renewal period begins on the date of issuance of the original patent and ends 20 years from that date.

The USPTO will not accept applications for renewal after this time frame has passed. Additionally, all renewal fees must be paid before expiration or within six months after expiration to maintain the validity of the patent.

Steps to Renewing a Patent

Once eligibility requirements are met, there are several steps involved in renewing a patent including filing paperwork with the USPTO as well as payment of applicable fees.

First, a renewal application must be filed which includes information such as:

  • Title of the invention.
  • Inventor name(s).
  • Serial number.
  • Issue date.
  • Fee amount.
  • Signature(s) of the applicant(s).
  • Description/claims/drawings if applicable.
  • Power-of-attorney (if needed).

This application should also include any additional documents required by law or regulation, such as assignments or declarations from inventors regarding ownership rights or assignment changes since initial filing.

Once complete, applicants can submit their application along with payment via mail or electronically through the EFS-Web system on the USPTO website. After the submission has been accepted by the USPTO examiner, they will review it for accuracy and completeness before approving it.

can you renew a patent


Patent Renewal Fees

There are various fees associated with applying for and maintaining patents depending on the type being applied for (utility vs design), size, and complexity.

Generally speaking, small entity status requires $400 per utility patent while large entities require $800 per utility patent.

Design patents cost less than utility ones at $200/$400 respectively but may take longer due to their more complex nature.

In addition, maintenance fees need to be paid every 3 1/2 years ($1120), 7 1/2 years ($2280) & 11 1/2 years ($4550) post-grant respectively. These increase over time so it is best practice to start planning early.

Key Takeaway: Renewing a patent is an important step in protecting intellectual property. To renew a patent, it must have been granted by the USPTO and all fees related to renewal must be paid before expiration or within six months after expiration. The process includes filing paperwork with the USPTO as well as payment of applicable fees, which vary depending on the type and size of the patent being applied for. It is essential to understand the requirements, steps, and costs associated with renewing a patent before beginning the process.

When to Renew a Patent

Can you renew a patent? We now know that the answer is yes. But when do you renew a patent?

When it comes to renewing a patent, timing is key. Knowing when to renew your patent can be the difference between keeping and losing your intellectual property rights.

Timeframe for Renewal

Generally speaking, patents are valid for 20 years from the date of filing with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office).

However, to maintain ownership of the invention or design covered by a patent, periodic patent maintenance fees must be paid at 3 ½ year intervals after the original patent applications have been granted. If these fees are not paid on time, then the patent will expire and no longer protect against infringement.

Reasons for Early or Late Renewal

In some cases, it may make sense to file an early renewal if you anticipate that there may be changes in technology that could affect your product’s marketability or competitive advantage over other products in its class.

On the other hand, if you have already secured a strong position in your industry and don’t expect any major technological advances anytime soon, then waiting until closer to expiration might make more sense as this would save money on renewal costs.

Ultimately, each situation is unique so businesses need to evaluate their circumstances carefully before making any decisions about when they should renew their patents. Cost-effectiveness, market conditions, legal requirements, availability of resources such as personnel and funding, and strategic objectives such as protecting trade secrets or gaining exclusive access to certain markets must all be taken into consideration.

Key Takeaway: Patent renewal must be carefully planned, taking into account various factors such as cost-effectiveness, market conditions, legal requirements, and strategic objectives. Renewal should not be left to the last minute as this could result in losing your intellectual property rights.

Who Can Help with the Process?

Can you renew a patent? Yes, but it can be a complicated process, and it is important to ensure that all of the necessary steps are taken to maintain your patent. Professional assistance from experienced patent attorneys or agents can help make sure that you don’t miss any important deadlines or details when renewing your patent. They will also be able to provide advice on how best to protect your intellectual property rights and keep them up-to-date.

When looking for professional assistance with renewing a patent, it is important to find someone who has experience in this area of law. An experienced attorney or agent should know the various types of patents available, as well as familiarity with filing requirements and other legal issues related to patents.

It is also beneficial if they have experience working on similar cases before so they know what kind of documents need to be filed and how long the process may take. Additionally, look for someone who understands both local laws regarding patents as well as international regulations since many companies now operate across multiple countries

Renewing a patent? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Get the professional assistance you need to make sure your intellectual property rights are up-to-date and protected. #PatentProtection #Innovation Click to Tweet

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing a Patent

Can you renew a patent? Yes, but only up to a certain point. Failing to file on time and not keeping track of deadlines might make you ineligible for renewal, even if you are the original patent owners.

Failing to File on Time

One of the most common mistakes made when renewing a patent is failing to file the renewal application before the deadline. Patent applications must be filed within six months of expiration for them to remain valid and enforceable. If you miss this deadline, it could result in losing your rights and protections associated with the patent.

Not Keeping Track of Deadlines

It’s also important that you keep track of deadlines throughout the entire process. You should be aware of all deadlines related to filing fees, payment due dates, and other requirements for keeping your patent active and up-to-date.

Failing to meet any one of these deadlines could mean that your patent will not be renewed or will become invalidated if not corrected quickly enough.

Not Having Complete Documents

When applying for renewal, all documents must be complete and accurate for the process to move forward without delay or complication.

If there are errors or omissions within the documentation submitted, it could lead to delays or even denial of the application altogether which could ultimately mean losing your patent rights entirely.

What Happens if I Fail to Renew My Patent on Time?

If you fail to renew your patent before the deadline, it will expire and become invalid. This means that any protection you had from competitors using or selling your invention is gone.

Your invention can now be used by anyone without fear of legal repercussions. When a patent expires, all rights associated with it are lost as well. This includes the right to sue for infringement and collect damages for unauthorized use of your invention.

Additionally, any pending lawsuits related to the expired patent will likely be dismissed since there is no longer any valid protection in place.

In some cases, it may be possible to reinstate an expired patent if certain conditions are met within a specific timeframe after expiration. However, this process can be costly and time-consuming, so it’s best not to let your patent expire in the first place.

Key Takeaway: Renewing a patent is an important step in protecting your intellectual property. To ensure that you don’t lose your rights and protections associated with the patent, it’s important to avoid common mistakes such as: failing to file on time, not keeping track of deadlines, and not having complete documents.


Can you renew a patent? Yes, however, the process can be complex and time-consuming. It is important to understand the process of maintaining a patent, when to renew it, how to do so correctly, and who can help with the process to ensure that your renewal of a patent goes smoothly.

Ensuring that your patent is renewed is a crucial task for businesses to keep raking in the rewards of their innovation. Patent owners need to renew and extend their patent terms regularly to protect their property.

Are you looking for a solution to renew your patent quickly and efficiently? Look no further than Cypris! Our research platform is designed specifically with R&D and innovation teams in mind, making it easy to access the data sources necessary for renewal. With our user-friendly interface, we make sure that time spent on paperwork won’t get in the way of your innovative ideas. Don’t let bureaucracy slow down progress – try Cypris today!

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