How Design Thinking Helps in Innovation: A Beginner's Guide

March 14, 2023
# min read

Design thinking is a powerful tool for driving innovation. It’s all about combining creative and analytical approaches to problem-solving to generate innovative solutions that meet customer needs. In this article, we look at how design thinking helps in innovation.

We will learn what design thinking is, how to best use it in your workplace, and how effective this approach can be in helping teams drive meaningful change. Design Thinking helps foster creativity while also providing structure and guidance, making it an invaluable asset when innovating new products or services. So let’s discover how design thinking helps in innovation.

Table of Contents

What is Design Thinking?







How Design Thinking Helps in innovation

Heightened Creativity

Encourages Risk-taking

Promotes Collaboration

Examples of Innovation Made Through Design Thinking


Uber Eats


Challenges Faced When Using Design Thinking for Innovation

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Finding the Right Resources and Expertise

Balancing Short-Term Goals with Long-Term Vision


What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a creative problem-solving process that puts the user first. It’s an iterative approach to finding solutions to complex problems and creating innovative products, services, or experiences. It involves understanding the user, challenging assumptions, and redefining problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be immediately apparent with our initial level of understanding.

By employing design thinking, teams can create products or services that are more useful, usable, desirable, and ultimately successful. This process helps teams gain insights into their users’ needs and preferences to develop better solutions for them.

Let’s look at the design thinking methodology.


The first step of design thinking is empathizing with the user. This involves understanding their needs, wants, and motivations through research such as interviews or surveys. By getting into the mindset of your target audience you can create more meaningful designs that are tailored specifically for them.


Once you have a good understanding of your users’ needs it’s time to define the problem statement which will guide the rest of your project. This should be specific enough so that you know what exactly you’re trying to solve but also broad enough so that there’s room for creativity when coming up with solutions later on in the process.


In this stage, ideas are generated without any judgment or criticism from team members – think outside the box! Brainstorming sessions can help generate new perspectives on how best to tackle the issue at hand while looking at existing products and services can inspire too.


Now it’s time to bring those ideas into reality by building prototypes. These are low-fidelity models made quickly out of materials like paper or cardboard, which allow teams to test out different concepts before investing resources into developing fully functional versions further down the line.


Testing prototypes allow teams to see how well they work in real-life scenarios. They can then make improvements based on feedback gathered from actual users instead of relying solely on assumptions about what works best for them.

Testing also helps identify potential flaws early on so they don’t become costly mistakes later down the road.


Finally, once all tests have been completed successfully, it’s time to implement these changes across all platforms. The implementation phase ensures smooth transitions between old systems and new ones while making sure everything runs smoothly throughout each stage until completion.

Once everything’s ready, you’re good to go. You can launch your product officially onto the market knowing full well it has been designed thoughtfully around customers’ needs thanks to having gone through the whole Design Thinking process from start to finish!

how design thinking helps in innovation

How Design Thinking Helps in innovation

Design thinking is a creative problem-solving approach that focuses on understanding the user, challenging assumptions, and redefining problems to identify alternative strategies and solutions. It helps teams explore multiple avenues for the same problem by allowing them to think outside of the box. Let’s look at how design thinking helps in innovation.

Heightened Creativity

Design thinking encourages team members to be creative when approaching a challenge or project. Exploring different perspectives allows them to come up with innovative ideas that they may not have considered before.

Additionally, design thinking emphasizes empathizing with users and understanding their needs from their point of view. This helps ensure that any solution created will meet their expectations and provide value for them.

Encourages Risk-taking

Design thinking is an iterative process which means there are plenty of opportunities for failure as well as improvement along the way. This makes it easier for teams to experiment without fear of failure since mistakes can be seen as learning experiences rather than setbacks.

As such, this type of approach encourages risk-taking which can lead to more successful outcomes in the long run.

Promotes Collaboration

Finally, design thinking also promotes collaboration among team members since it requires everyone’s input throughout each step of the process. All team members can be involved from brainstorming initial ideas to testing out prototypes and refining solutions until they meet user needs perfectly.

In this way, it ensures that everyone has a say in how things turn out while at the same time providing structure so nothing gets overlooked or forgotten about during the development stages.

Overall, design thinking provides R&D and innovation teams with a powerful toolkit for creating successful products or services by taking into account both user feedback and technical considerations throughout every stage of development—from ideation through implementation

Design Thinking helps teams explore multiple avenues for the same problem by allowing them to think outside of the box. Let’s look at how design thinking helps in innovation. Click To Tweet

Willow, an AI-driven health monitoring system for pregnant women, was developed through the process of design thinking. This device uses sensors placed on the abdomen during pregnancy scans to detect fetal movements, heart rate, and breathing patterns. Design thinking techniques such as focusing on user stories about expecting mothers’ concerns; identifying opportunities for improvement; sketching concepts; building low-fidelity prototypes and getting feedback from medical experts & expecting moms were employed to create a sophisticated device capable of detecting subtle changes in fetal health indicators early enough so doctors can take preventative measures if necessary.

Examples of Innovation Made Through Design Thinking

Design thinking’s iterative approach helps teams quickly identify problems and develop innovative solutions that effectively address customer needs. Let’s look at how design thinking helps in innovation by looking at projects that came out of this process.


Airbnb was founded on the idea of creating an online marketplace where travelers could find short-term rental accommodations from hosts around the world.

By using design thinking principles such as empathy for their customers’ needs and rapid prototyping to test out different features, AirBnB has become one of the most successful companies in its industry.

Through their use of design thinking they have been able to create a platform that offers unique experiences tailored to each traveler’s preferences while also providing hosts with easy access to potential guests.

Uber Eats

Uber Eats was created by Uber Technologies Inc., which used design thinking principles when developing this food delivery service app. They began by conducting research into what customers wanted from a food delivery service before designing prototypes based on these insights.

After testing out various versions of the app with real users, they were able to refine it until it met all customer expectations and provided a seamless experience from ordering through delivery completion.


Moonrise is an AI-powered virtual assistant designed specifically for busy professionals who need help managing their time more efficiently. With this, they can focus on higher priority tasks or projects at work or home life balance activities like exercise or hobbies outside work hours.

The team behind Moonrise used design thinking methods such as empathizing with users’ pain points related to time management issues, ideating potential product features; rapidly prototyping different versions, user testing, and refining until achieving desired outcomes.

As a result, Moonrise has become one of the top virtual assistants available today due to its ability to provide personalized recommendations tailored to each individual’s specific goals.

When you apply design thinking in your company, the process itself lends to innovation because it forces you to think of multiple solutions to a real customer problem. As we have seen, the design thinking approach has helped in innovating industries like hospitality, food delivery, and work.

how design thinking helps in innovation


Challenges Faced When Using Design Thinking for Innovation

When you apply design thinking, there are certain challenges that your organization must face. We discuss some of them here to help you be more prepared.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Implementing new processes can be difficult, especially if it requires changing the way people have been doing things for years. It’s important to ensure everyone involved understands the value of Design Thinking and how it will benefit them to gain buy-in from all stakeholders.

Additionally, providing training on Design Thinking methods and techniques can help teams become more comfortable with this approach.

Finding the Right Resources and Expertise

To successfully use Design Thinking, organizations need access to resources such as experts who understand the methodology or tools that support collaboration among team members.

Identifying these resources early on in the process can help ensure success down the line by allowing teams to focus on generating innovative ideas rather than trying to find necessary materials or personnel at a later stage.

Balancing Short-Term Goals with Long-Term Vision

Many times, companies want immediate results from their efforts but don’t always take into account long-term goals or potential risks associated with short-term decisions.

When using Design Thinking for innovation projects, teams need to consider both short-term objectives as well as long-term plans so they can make informed decisions that will benefit them in both scenarios.

By understanding these challenges and taking steps towards addressing them head-on, organizations can maximize their chances of success when utilizing design thinking for innovation projects. Although the challenges faced when using design thinking for innovation can be daunting, with the right resources and expertise, as well as a culture of experimentation and open communication, organizations can maximize their impact on innovation projects.

Key Takeaway: Design Thinking can be a powerful tool for driving innovation, but organizations must ensure they have the right resources and expertise, gain buy-in from stakeholders, and balance short-term goals with a long-term vision to successfully use it.


Providing a structured approach to problem-solving and creative solutions is how design thinking helps in innovation. It enables teams to think outside the box, identify new opportunities, and create innovative products or services that meet customer needs.

Design thinking can help R&D and innovation teams rapidly develop insights into their projects while also allowing them to challenge assumptions and uncover potential blind spots. With the right strategies in place, design thinking can be an invaluable tool for driving successful innovations.

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