How Do Global Patents Work? Unlocking the Mystery

December 27, 2022
# min read

How do global patents work? This is a question that many research and development teams face when considering their product innovation strategies. With the rise of international business, understanding how to obtain and maintain a global patent can be daunting.

At Cypris, we understand the challenges associated with obtaining and maintaining a global patent in today’s competitive environment—but also recognize the benefits it provides for your R&D team.

In this blog post, we will explore how do global patents work, how to apply for one, and the potential pitfalls of your investment in an international intellectual property asset.

Table of Contents

What is a Global Patent?

Benefits of Obtaining a Global Patent

Types of Global Patents

How to Obtain a Global Patent

Requirements for Obtaining a Global Patent

Cost Considerations

Challenges with Obtaining and Maintaining a Global Patent

Language Barriers and Cultural Differences

Time Frame for Obtaining and Maintaining a Global Patent

Enforcing a Global Patent

Strategies on How Do Global Patents Work

Research Local Laws and Regulations

Work with Local Professionals

Invest in Technology


What is a Global Patent?

A global patent is a legal document that grants an inventor exclusive rights to their invention in multiple countries. It allows the inventor to protect their intellectual property and benefit from it financially by preventing others from using, making, or selling the invention without permission.

The process of obtaining a global patent can be complex due to language barriers, cultural differences, and the laws in different countries pertaining to patents.

Benefits of Obtaining a Global Patent

Obtaining a global patent has several benefits for inventors who wish to protect their inventions on an international scale. A global patent ensures that any infringement on your intellectual property will be legally recognized across all applicable jurisdictions. This means you can take action against anyone who attempts to copy or steal your idea without permission no matter which country they are located in.

Additionally, having a globally recognized patent may help increase your chances of securing investors as well as provide potential customers with more confidence when considering purchasing products related to your patented technology.

Types of Global Patents

There are two main types of global patents available – regional patents and international applications (PCT).

Regional patents cover specific regions such as Europe (EPO), Eurasia (EAPO), and Africa (ARIPO).

International applications allow applicants to file one application covering up to 152 member states at once through WIPO’s PCT system. However, applicants must still pay individual fees for each country before being granted full protection under those jurisdictions’ respective laws.

Global patents provide an important tool for protecting inventions and innovations worldwide.

In the next section, we will explore the process of obtaining a global patent.

Key Takeaway: A global patent is a legal document that grants an inventor exclusive rights to their invention in multiple countries. A global patent allows you to take action against anyone who attempts to copy or steal your idea no matter which country they are located in.

How to Obtain a Global Patent

Obtaining a global patent is an important step for any business looking to protect its intellectual property. Here are the steps and requirements to ensure the validity of the patent.

The first step when obtaining a global patent is to research existing patents and determine if there are any similar products or services already patented. If so, then it may not be possible to obtain a valid patent on your product or service.

Once you have determined that no similar patents exist, you will need to file an application with each country’s respective Patent Office. This includes providing detailed information about your invention as well as drawings or diagrams of how it works.

Additionally, you will need to provide evidence that your invention is unique and has never been done before in order for it to qualify for protection under international law.

Requirements for Obtaining a Global Patent

In addition to filing an application with each country’s respective Patent Office, there are other requirements that must be met in order for the patent application process to move forward successfully. These include proving ownership of the invention, submitting proof of originality, providing evidence that all necessary paperwork has been completed, and paying all applicable fees associated with obtaining a global patent.

Cost Considerations

When considering whether or not obtaining a global patent is worth pursuing financially, businesses should take into account both upfront costs such as filing fees and attorney fees as well as ongoing costs such as maintenance fees which must be paid periodically in order to keep the rights valid.

Additionally, businesses should factor in potential legal expenses related to defending their rights against infringement from competitors who attempt to copy their inventions without permission.

how do global patents work


Challenges with Obtaining and Maintaining a Global Patent

Language Barriers and Cultural Differences

Obtaining a global patent requires navigating language barriers and cultural differences. For example, in some countries, the legal system is based on criminal law while others are based on civil law. This can lead to different interpretations of patent laws which can complicate the process of obtaining a global patent.

Additionally, many countries have their own unique regulations that must be followed when filing for a patent. Understanding these regulations can be difficult due to language barriers and cultural differences between countries.

Time Frame for Obtaining and Maintaining a Global Patent

The time frame for obtaining and maintaining a global patent varies from country to country depending on the complexity of the application as well as local regulations. Generally speaking, it takes at least two years before an international application is granted protection in all participating countries or regions.

After this period has elapsed, each individual country will need to confirm its grant decision separately within one year after notification by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Furthermore, patents must be maintained through regular renewal fees in order to remain valid throughout their lifetime. Failure to do so may result in the loss of rights.

Enforcing a Global Patent

Enforcing international patents can also present challenges due to jurisdictional issues across borders as well as varying levels of enforcement among different nations’ court systems. It is important for companies to understand what kind of enforcement mechanisms exist within each jurisdiction they plan on operating in order to ensure that any potential infringements are dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

Having experienced counsel familiar with both domestic and international laws related to IP matters will help solve any disputes arising from potential infringement cases.

Key Takeaway: Obtaining a global patent is a complex process that requires overcoming language barriers, understanding cultural differences, and abiding by local regulations.

Strategies on How Do Global Patents Work

Research Local Laws and Regulations

It is important to research the local laws and regulations of any country you are considering applying for a patent. This will help ensure that your application meets all necessary requirements, as well as provide an understanding of what type of protection you can expect from the patent.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of any existing patents or intellectual property rights that may already exist in the region.

Work with Local Professionals

Working with experienced professionals who understand the local laws and regulations can be beneficial when obtaining a global patent. These professionals can provide guidance on how best to proceed with filing applications, advise on potential risks associated with certain countries or regions, and assist in ensuring compliance throughout the process.

Invest in Technology

Technology solutions such as Cypris can make obtaining a global patent much easier by providing access to centralized data. With all data sources in one platform, teams have greater visibility into their progress while reducing the manual effort required during each step of the process.

Ready to take your invention global? Make sure you research local laws and regulations, work with experienced professionals, and use a platform like Cypris for fast and efficient filing. #GlobalPatents #Innovation Click To Tweet


How do global patents work? Patents are a great way to protect your intellectual property and ensure that you are able to reap the rewards of your hard work. However, it is important to understand the process of obtaining and maintaining a global patent in order to maximize its effectiveness.

Are you part of an R&D or innovation team that needs to quickly access insights? Then look no further than Cypris! Our research platform allows your team to centralize data sources and make the most out of global patents.

With our solutions, your teams can work smarter and faster – get started today with Cypris!

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