How to Check a Patent: A Step-by-Step Guide for R&D Teams

January 12, 2023
# min read

Checking a patent is an important part of the research and development process. It’s essential to ensure that your innovation or product doesn’t infringe upon existing patents, while also providing insights into potential competitors. Knowing how to check a patent can save you time, money, and resources in the long run.

This blog post will explore what exactly a patent is, how to check a patent effectively, and how to file your own application with confidence. Check out this helpful guide if you want more information about checking patents!

Table of Contents

What is a Patent?

How to Check a Patent

Analyzing the Results of Your Patent Search

Reading the Results of Your Search

Identifying Potential Infringements or Conflicts

Assessing Your Invention

Preparing to File a Patent Application

What Happens After You File Your Patent Application?


What is a Patent?

A patent is an exclusive legal right granted by a government for an invention that provides its owner with certain protections against unauthorized use or sale of the patented item. Patents are used to protect inventions such as machines, processes, products, and even documents.

There are three main types of patents – utility patents, design patents, and plant patents – each providing different levels and types of protection for inventors’ creations.

Utility patents cover new and useful inventions such as machines, processes, or chemical compositions.

Design patents cover ornamental designs applied to articles.

Plant patents cover newly developed varieties of plants not found in nature.

Let’s take a look at how to check a patent effectively.

Don’t let your invention get stolen! Get the protection you need with a patent. #InventorLife #PatentProtection Click to Tweet

How to Check a Patent

The first step in checking a patent is to conduct a search of relevant databases such as the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) or EPO (European Patent Office). This will help you identify any existing patents related to your project.

The USPTO offers free access to its database through its website, while EPO provides access through its Espacenet platform.

Additionally, many private companies offer paid services that provide more comprehensive searches of multiple databases at once.

When conducting a search of existing patents, it is important to use keywords that accurately describe your project or invention so that you do not miss any potentially relevant results.

Once you have identified relevant patents, it’s important to read them carefully so that you can understand their scope and determine if there are any potential conflicts with your work. Pay attention not only to what is explicitly stated but also implied language.

Finally, remember that searching multiple databases can often yield different results and it is best practice to check all applicable sources.

Key Takeaway: When checking a patent, it is important to conduct a thorough search of relevant databases such as the USPTO and EPO. Remember to check multiple databases before making any decisions about potential conflicts with another inventor’s patent rights.

Analyzing the Results of Your Patent Search

Analyzing the results of your patent search is an important step in ensuring that you are able to protect your invention and secure a valid patent.

Reading the Results of Your Search

A successful search will reveal any prior art related to similar inventions as well as any pending applications for similar inventions. This information can help you determine whether there are already existing patents on similar ideas or products, which could prevent you from obtaining a valid patent for yours.

Identifying Potential Infringements or Conflicts

Once you have identified any potential conflicts between your invention and existing patents, it’s important to review each one carefully to ensure that there are no infringing elements present in either party’s product or process. If there are similarities between two products or processes, it may be necessary to modify one so that it does not infringe upon another’s rights.

Assessing Your Invention

After identifying any potential conflicts with other patents, assess how strong and valid your own invention is before filing a patent application. Consider factors such as novelty (how unique is this idea?), usefulness (does this solve an existing problem?), and non-obviousness (is this something someone else would think of?).

If there are no conflicts or infringements, then it’s time to prepare for filing a patent application.

how to check a patent


Preparing to File a Patent Application

Before filing a patent application, it is important to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and information. This includes details about your invention, such as drawings or diagrams, descriptions of how it works, and any other relevant materials.

Make sure that you have conducted a thorough patent search to check for existing patents that may conflict with yours.

Choosing an attorney or agent to represent you in filing your application is essential. Find someone who has experience in patent law and can provide advice on the best way forward with your application. Make sure they are familiar with the specific jurisdiction where you plan to file your application so they can help guide you through the process.

Finally, determine which jurisdiction is best for filing your patent application. Different countries have different laws regarding patents and intellectual property rights so it is important to understand these before making a decision on where to file your application.

Factors such as filing fees, duration of protection, and whether there are any restrictions on what types of inventions can be patented should all be taken into consideration when deciding where to file your patent.

Ready to file a patent? Don’t forget the 3 Ps: paperwork, patent search, and picking an attorney! With Cypris’ research platform, you can make sure your invention is ready for filing in the right jurisdiction. #PatentFiling #Innovation Click to Tweet

What Happens After You File Your Patent Application?

After you file your patent application, the process of obtaining a patent begins.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will review your application to determine if it meets all requirements for granting a patent. If any issues are identified during the review process, they will be communicated in an office action from the USPTO. It is important to respond promptly and accurately to these actions as failure to do so can result in abandonment of your application.

Responding to office actions from the USPTO requires careful consideration and analysis of each issue raised by the examiner. Depending on what is requested, you may need additional evidence or argumentation in order to satisfy their concerns. Consult with an attorney when responding to office actions before submitting a response.

Monitoring other applications that may conflict with yours is also essential after filing your patent application. This includes searching for prior submissions that could potentially invalidate some or all of your claims, as well as keeping track of similar applications filed by competitors.

Don’t let your patent application get stuck in the USPTO review process! Keep an eye out for office actions and potential conflicts with other applications. #PatentProtection Click to Tweet


It helps to ensure that you are not infringing on any existing patents and can provide valuable insight into what your invention should look like. By understanding the basics of how to check a patent, analyzing the results of your search, preparing to file a patent application, and knowing what comes after, you will be well-prepared when it comes to checking a patent.

Are you looking for a way to quickly and efficiently check patents? Cypris is the answer! Our research platform was designed specifically with R&D and innovation teams in mind.

With our easy-to-use interface, we centralize all of your data sources into one place so that you can get quick insights without having to waste time searching through various databases. Get started today with Cypris – it’s the best solution for checking patents!

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