How to Search Design Patents: A Step-By-Step Guide

January 12, 2023
# min read

Design patents are a type of intellectual property that protect the visual characteristics or ornamental features of an invention, such as its shape or surface ornamentation. Knowing how to search design patents ensures that you are not infringing on someone else’s intellectual property right.

With Cypris’ research platform, you can easily search for existing design patents and find out what is already out there on the market. It is important for any R&D team to learn how to search design patents and prepare a patent application correctly in order to protect its inventions.

In this blog post, we will explore all these topics in detail so that you have all the information necessary for success!

Table of Contents

What are Design Patents?

Why Should You File for a Design Patent?

Searching for Existing Design Patents

How to Conduct a Thorough Search for Existing Patents

Resources for Searching Design Patents

Preparing Your Application for a Design Patent

Requirements for Filing a Design Patent Application

Search for Similar Designs

Cost and Timeline of Obtaining a Design Patent

Protecting Your Rights After Obtaining A Design Patent


What are Design Patents?

Design patents are a form of intellectual property protection that covers the ornamental design of an object. A design patent protects how something looks, not what it does or how it works. It is important to note that this type of patent does not protect any functional features of the product, only its aesthetic elements.

A design patent is a legal document issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) which grants exclusive rights to an inventor for their unique ornamental design for an article of manufacture. The scope and duration of these rights depend on the country in which they are granted, but typically last up to 15 years from the date of issuance.

Why Should You File for a Design Patent?

Obtaining a design patent can provide inventors with several benefits.

  1. Increased marketability and brand recognition due to the exclusive right over an invention’s aesthetics.
  2. Deters competitors from copying or using similar designs.
  3. Assures potential investors of the product’s originality and uniqueness when considering investing resources into your project.

In the next section, we will explore how to search for design patents that already exist.

Key Takeaway: Design patents are an important tool for protecting and defending the intellectual property of inventors, so it is essential to thoroughly search existing design patents before filing a new one.

Searching for Existing Design Patents

Conducting a thorough search for existing design patents is essential to ensure that your invention does not infringe on the rights of another inventor.

How to Conduct a Thorough Search for Existing Patents

A thorough search should include searching through both public and private databases as well as conducting manual searches in libraries or other resources. When searching, it is important to use keywords related to the type of product you are designing and be sure to check all relevant jurisdictions.

Resources for Searching Design Patents

There are numerous online resources available for searching design patents including the US Patent Office website, Google Patents, the European Patent Office database, the World Intellectual Property Organization database, and more. Many universities also have access to specialized databases that contain information about existing patents in certain fields or regions.

To ensure that your research yields accurate results, keep track of all relevant documents and take advantage of tutorials offered by various organizations regarding patent searches.

Review all relevant documents carefully before submitting them with your application. Make sure they meet all necessary requirements set forth by governing bodies such as the USPTO or EPO.


Preparing Your Application for a Design Patent

To obtain a design patent, applicants must submit an application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Here’s everything you need to know about filing a design patent.

Requirements for Filing a Design Patent Application

In order to file for a design patent in the USPTO, you must provide drawings or photographs of your invention as well as detailed descriptions of its features. The drawings should be clear enough so that someone skilled in the art can easily recognize them.

You should also include information about any prior art related to your invention and declare whether or not you believe it is novel or non-obvious compared with existing designs.

Search for Similar Designs

Prior to submitting your application, it is important that you conduct thorough searches for existing patents related to your invention. This helps ensure that there are no similar designs already protected by another inventor’s patent rights which could prevent yours from being granted.

Make sure all paperwork associated with filing has been completed correctly and accurately before submission. This includes providing accurate contact information such as name and address on all forms submitted along with payment if applicable.

If incorrect contact info is given, then the applicant may miss out on critical communication updates from the USPTO regarding the status and progress of pending applications. Inadequate research can also lead to costly delays.

By understanding how to search design patents and the requirements of governing authorities, you can prepare your application more efficiently and reduce the cost and timeline of obtaining it.

Key Takeaway: When filing for a design patent, provide accurate drawings of your invention, research prior art related to your invention, and complete all paperwork accurately.

Cost and Timeline of Obtaining a Design Patent

The cost of obtaining a design patent can vary greatly depending on the complexity and scope of the invention. Generally, it is estimated that filing fees for a single design patent application will range from $1,000 to $2,500. This does not include attorney’s fees or other costs associated with submitting an application to the USPTO.

Several factors can affect both the cost and timeline for obtaining a design patent. These include the complexity of the invention, the number of drawings required to adequately describe it, whether foreign filings are necessary, as well as any legal issues that may arise during the review process.

If there are multiple inventors involved in creating an invention, then additional costs may be incurred due to having to file separate applications for each inventor’s contribution.

Key Takeaway: Obtaining a design patent can be costly and time-consuming, with filing fees ranging from $1,000 to $2,500.

Protecting Your Rights After Obtaining A Design Patent

It is important to maintain your IP rights after obtaining a design patent. This includes regularly monitoring the market for any potential infringements of your design and taking action if necessary.

Keep records of all transactions related to the patented design, such as licensing agreements or sales receipts. These documents can be used in court should an infringement occur.

There are several ways that R&D teams can ensure their rights are protected after receiving a design patent.

First, they should consider registering their patents with customs authorities in order to prevent counterfeits from entering the country.

Companies may wish to register their designs with international organizations like WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) or OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market).

Finally, companies should also consider using trademarks or copyrights on products featuring their patented designs in order to provide additional protection against infringement.


Understanding how to search design patents is important for any R&D or innovation team looking to protect their work. Once you have obtained a design patent, make sure to protect your rights by monitoring potential infringements on your search design patents.

Are you looking for a research platform to quickly find the design patents that will help your R&D and innovation teams succeed? Cypris is here to help. Our powerful search engine allows you to easily locate relevant design patents, giving your team access to valuable insights faster than ever before.

With our comprehensive data sources, we can provide unparalleled time-to-insights so that you can stay ahead of the competition. Try out Cypris today and revolutionize how your team finds solutions!

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