Quickstart Guide: Organization Searches

Last updated:
June 21, 2024

This article will cover Organization Searches

When typing your keywords into the search bar, you’re able to search by organization.

Alternatively, you can click “Organizations” located on the left-hand sidebar underneath the patents tab. 

Important to note that you can search for organizations relevant to your IP term, or search for a specific company name.

On the left-hand side, you can apply filters to narrow your search criteria. This includes Organization Search Type, Organization Type, Industry, Years, Potential Licensees, and New Entrants. Click on the top right arrow to look at Charts and AI insights relative to the search.

To view more information on a specific organization in the space, click the empty box next to the entity's name. From there, select “View Organization Profile”.

Once you’ve opened the Organization’s Analysis, you can look at specific Patents, News, and People within the organization. You can utilize the AI Insights on the right-hand side for quick answers on the organization’s activities.

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