Flagged Data Collections

Last updated:
June 21, 2024

Flagged Data Collections

Flagged Data Collections will give users the ability to gather data points from multiple Saved Searches and store them in one place. 

Cypris’s Flagged Data Collections will give allow users to flag the following data points:

  • Patents
  • Organizations
  • Research Papers

To Flag any data, click on the plus icon (highlighted below).

When flagging data, you can create a “collection” and title each collection in relation to the type of data that you are flagging.

Where Flagged Data is Stored

All flagged data is accessible on the sidebar of the platform. You can create a “collection” and add each flagged data to a specific collection.

While looking at your Flagged Data Collection, it’s important to note that the data will be separated by Patents and Research Papers on the sidebar.

We’ve added to our platform the unique feature of running AI insights across your flagged data.

For example, in the screenshot below, 6 patents are saved to the flagged data collection. Users can use the AI Insight to summarize the latest activity.

Flagged Data Collections can also be added into Projects. Learn more about Projects here

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