Technology Report: QuickStart Guide

Last updated:
June 21, 2024

In this article, we'll walk through:  

  1. Searching in Cypris with Boolean Logic
  2. Building a Technology Report
  3. Navigating the resulting Technology Report

Step 1. Searching in Cypris with Boolean Logic

Our search function adheres to Boolean search logic which allows you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT (known as Boolean operators) to limit, broaden, or define your search. See this page to learn more about Boolean search.

Here’s how to go about building your boolean search:

  • Choose your keywords: Think about the main words that describe what you're looking for. For example, if you want to find information about pets, your keyword might be "dogs."
  • Use "AND" to narrow down results: If you want results that include both of two keywords, use "AND" between them. For example, if you want information about big dogs, you can search for "dogs AND big." This tells the platform to find results that have both "dogs" and "big" in them.
  • Use "OR" to expand results: If you want results that include either of two keywords (or both), use "OR" between them. For example, if you're interested in either dogs or cats, you can search for "dogs OR cats." This will bring up results that have either "dogs" or "cats" or both.
  • Put it all together: You can combine these operators to create more complex searches. For example, if you're looking for information about big dogs but not small ones or cats, you can search for "dogs AND big NOT small OR cats." This tells the search engine exactly what you want.

Here’s an example within Cypris’ platform to demonstrate the impact of breaking up a phrase into the individual words and how the boolean logic will change the results. Note the difference in the Live Analysis data preview below the search bar:

Notice the difference in results when you break up a two-word term into two separate keywords connected by an AND operator

Step 2. Building a Technology Report

Two Type of Searches

Quick Search:

Quick Search offers a simple way to quickly build a search query. After clicking “Build a Report” you will be presented with a search bar. You can then type in keywords and use boolean operators to find data relevant to your search. See our help center page here.

From the platform landing page, follow the path to technology reports and build a report by adding keywords to the search bar at the top of the page
Advanced Search

Advanced search enables a more fine-tunable search experience and visual experience. See the related help center page here for more.

When the keywords are inputted users also have the option to “Group” keywords together. To group keywords, click the group button. See the example below:

Once you’re content with the search query, click either the “Search” button at the bottom of the keyword boxes or “Build Report” button on the right-hand side just below the search bar (they accomplish the same action). Once you’ve generated the report, save it by clicking the “Save the Report” button as shown below.

Step 3. Navigating the Technology Report

After conducting the search, you will be directed to the Highlights page within the Technology Report
  1. Highlights. This section shows recent activity for your search term across organizations, technologies, research papers, and news articles within a given time period.
  2. Organizations. All the organizations (companies, universities, nonprofits, etc.) involved in the space defined by the search query will appear in this section. Any company included in the results will have published IP found in the results.
  3. Technologies. Aka patents and patent applications. Once in the technologies section, you can explore patents and applications globally.
  4. Market News. We pull in news and articles from across the web that incorporate the words specified in the underlying query.
  5. Research Papers. This page will capture relevant papers from our database of millions of papers from over 11k sources. 
  6. Aggregate results of the query for all time.
  7. Insights on a given time window, in this case, it’s predicated on the past year.

If you have questions on any of the information above please email for assistance.

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